Premiere pro slide
Premiere pro slide

Make sure the other video tracks are turned off or locked. Next, I need to select the video track that I want the slides to be placed on. If you recall, I set my preference to 4 seconds so that part is done. Now I’ll bring the slides into the timeline, not one at a time but all at once and, at the length of four seconds each. I’’ll click and drag that to the timeline over the background slide….time it to 5-seconds by right clicking and changing the time to five seconds. once I have it vertical center and horizontal center I click the “X” and the title will automatically be saved. So I’ll grab the background slide….put it on the timeline….then place my mouse on the word “file” then new, then title. Following the black video will be my title. Click “okay” to put it in the “Assets Pane.” Next, I’ll click and drag it to the beginning of the timeline. The “New Black” video window appears with the default aspect ratio of the project already selected. I position my mouse on the “New Item” icon and click. First I want this slide show to fade up from black so I need to bring in some black video. Okay….let’s begin the actual build on the timeline. Next, I’ll bring in the music I’m going to use and a background I’m going to use.

premiere pro slide

So, I’ll select the folder and then position my mouse on the words “Import Folder” and click. Once the slide folder is found, I can import the entire folder at once saving me from doing each slide individually. There are shortcuts to this that you can learn later. So I position my mouse on “file” and click then scroll down to “import” and click. Next, I’ll bring in the slides that I’m going to use in this project. But, I’m going to save that choice until I can look at a couple of them to see what works best. The only other default setting we will change is the transition that I will want to use between each slide. Now when I import my slides, each will be four seconds long and that’ll save me the time of having to change each one individually. There are 30 frames per second so I need to change the “Still Image Default Duration” to 4 times 30 or, 120 frames. Here you can see that the default is 150 frames or, 5 seconds. To do that, I have to tell Premiere Pro at what length it should import my slides into the project.

premiere pro slide

Now, I’ve determined that I want each of my slides to be up on the screen for four seconds.

Premiere pro slide